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​Call for Presentations

18-20 June, 2019 | Saclay, France

CIM Users Group – European Meeting

"Data Integration using CIM, 61850 and COSEM"

At this time our Call for Presentations is open, we encourage you to share your CIM knowledge as it relates to our theme, "Data Integration using CIM, 61850 and COSEM​".  The need for providing seamless integration from distribution feeder to transmission level is critical to the rapidly changing grid. The need for information between systems and groups requires bridging the IT/OT/ Engineering gap.

Call for Presentation Instructions:

  1. Submit a 200 – 500 word abstract outlining the presentation's key message
  2. Include your name, title, company, address, phone number, email and short bio of the author
  3. Identity a presenter or presenters

Submissions are due by 30 April, 2019 and can be sent to:


Presentation Policies

  • Priority in presentation selection is given to utilities, ISOs, RTOs, TSOs, DSOs, retailers, universities and non-profit industry organizations.
  • Suppliers may present a utility approved presentation if they are co-authors. Preference, however, will be given to presentations with a utility presenter.
  • All presentations must be non-commercial (no overt marketing material in the presentation) with a focus on the CIM lifecycle which is deemed to be informative and helpful to other companies considering using the CIM.
  • Non-commercial thought leadership presentations from all CIMug members are also welcome.
  • Presentations that demonstrate actual experiences with lessons learned will be preferred over high-level strategies for planned projects.
  • CIM Users Group membership is not a requirement for presentations.


Sponsorship Opportunities

We encourage our members to participate via a sponsorship or vendor demonstration table.  For additional information visit please contact Margaret Goodrich at

Meeting location

EDF Campus
7 boulevard Gaspard MONGE
91120 PALAISEU​​​



 Presented By The CIM Users Group 

The CIM Users Group is not-for-profit organization of utilities, consultants, and suppliers dedicated to educating utility stakeholders on the IEC CIM standards, promoting the use of CIM and developing consensus and consistency across the industry on using the CIM standards.


CIM Users Group, P.O. Box 315, Shell Knob, MO 65747​ USA
Fax: +1-903-489-1494,

Members Supporting CIM