CIM User Group (CIMug) Meeting:
“Standards for Enterprise Wide System Integration and Information Exchange”
Many utilities have found that the deployment of an event-driven integration framework is the best way to reduce costs associated with system and data integration. The best foundation for this work is an integration framework that incorporates a semantic layer based on standards to provide a common language for information exchange between systems. IEC TC57 is defining International standards that describe a utility specific semantic layer, known as the Common Information Model (CIM), which is independent of any individual middleware or application as well as the services and messages for information exchange based on this model.
Due to the rapid increase in the use of the CIM standards, the CIM User Group (CIMug) was formed to provide a place for existing and potential CIM users to come together to get information and status on the CIM standards, share user experiences, and participate in identifying and resolving key technical issues with the standards. The CIMug, an affiliate of the UCA International User Group (UCAIug), has planned a two and one-half day CIMug Meeting in North America. The purpose of this meeting is to:
• Provide an understanding of the power and benefits of using these standards
• Share experiences of utilities in using these standards
• Provide an understanding of how testing can support a smooth implementation phase
• Deal with issues in the use and management of systems based on these standards
Recognized experts in the use and deployment of the CIM standards as well as end users from utilities have been invited to provide presentations at this meeting. In addition, there will be CIM tutorials preceding the meeting and a social time to allow the members and guests to introduce themselves and get to know one another.
Target Group & Seminar Language
Project managers, IT managers and architects, business unit managers and analysts, control center personnel needing integration capabilities, as well as transmission and distribution personnel should attend this meeting. The last North American CIMug Meeting attracted 71 people. Attendees can expect to come away with a comprehensive update on the current status of the CIM standards, planned changes, how they are being used today, implementation experiences and issues, plus an opportunity to get questions answered by knowledgeable CIM experts.
Date & Location
The formal sessions of the CIMug Meeting will begin on Wednesday, October 24, 2007 (see the Agenda tab above for the preliminary agenda). A detailed agenda will be posted there at a later time. You can reach the ERCOT offices by car or taxi. Hotels are located within walking distance from the ERCOT offices and all hotels provide shuttle service from the airport, just a short 10 minutes from ERCOT. Transportation details can be found on the Transportation tab above
The meeting will start on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 with two tutorials. The morning session will be entitled ‘CIM101’ designed for newcomers to the CIM and enterprise integration topics. The afternoon session will be for more advanced users and will deal with real world issues revolving around CIM implementation. Although there is no additional fee required to attend the tutorials, you must register for each session by checking the box on the registration form so that we have adequate facilities.
The formal sessions of the CIMug Meeting will begin on Wednesday, October 24, 2007. The detailed agenda is available by clicking on the Agenda tab above.
Social Program and Control Center Tour
A guided tour of the ERCOT control center will be organized in two separate groups on Thursday, Oct. 25th starting at 8:30am and 8:45am. A social time for all attendees and guests will be on Thursday afternoon from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.