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CIM User Group Meeting
Standards for Enterprise-Wide System Integration and Information Exchange
Many utilities have reduced system integration costs by deploying an event-driven integration framework. The best foundation is a framework that incorporates standard semantics for a common language between systems. IEC TC57 is defining international standards that describe a utility-specific semantic layer, known as the Common Information Model (CIM). This model is independent of any individual middleware or application as well as the services and messages used for information exchange.
Due to the rapid increase in the use of the CIM standards, the CIM User Group (CIMug) was formed to provide a place for CIM users to come together to get information on the CIM standards, share user experiences, and participate in resolving key technical issues. The CIMug has planned a two and one-half day CIMug Meeting in Europe. The purpose of this meeting is to:
• Provide an understanding of the power and benefits of using these standards
• Share experiences of utilities in using these standards
• Provide an understanding of how testing can support a smooth implementation phase
• Deal with issues in the use and management of systems based on these standards
Recognized experts in the use and deployment of the CIM standards as well as utility end-users have been invited to provide presentations at this meeting. The meeting also includes pre-conference CIM tutorials and social networking opporunities.  
Who Should Attend
If you are currently using the CIM standards, are considering their use, or just need more information on the CIM and how other utilities are using it, this meeting is for you. Project managers, IT managers and architects, business unit managers and analysts, as well as control center personnel with integration needs, will all benefit from this meeting. 
The meeting is open to all current or potential future CIM users – you do not have to be a CIM User Group member to attend. Meetings are held in the U.S. and Europe each year, and typically 80-100 persons attend. A key emphasis for this meeting will be European utility experiences in using the CIM and how the IEC CIM standards relate to other European standards initiatives, including UCTE, ETSO, and UN/CEFACT.
Attendees can expect to come away with a comprehensive update on the current status of the CIM standards; how they are being used today; planned revisions; implementation experiences; and familiarity with CIM experts. 
Date & Location
The CIMug Meeting will be held on June 10 - 13, 2008 at the AROS Congress Center located in Västerås, Sweden. 
The meeting will start on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 with tutorials.  The formal sessions of the CIMug Meeting will begin on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 and run until noon on Friday, June 13, 2008.   
Information on how to register for this conference is available on the Attendee Registration and Vendor Registration tabs at the top of this page.
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