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Xtensible and CIM


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Xtensible Solutions delivers standards-based solutions to help utilities organize and understand their data. As demand rises for real-time integration and data insights, utilities need answers to questions about data: How will data be used and managed? How does it flow through the organization and what does it mean? Using our dedicated experience in the utility industry, combined with our MD3I Framework methodology, Xtensible can help you drive business value and growth from your data.

Xtensible’s services include business and technology consulting, project management, strategy and architecture design and development, system integration, enterprise information management, business intelligence and data analytics, and training. Xtensible has proven capability to deliver to a range of clients from munis and co-ops to the largest IOUs including both distribution and transmission operators. We have been leaders in the development of the IEC CIM standards that underlie all our solutions from the very beginning. Visit our website to learn more about our services and solutions.​​​

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