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​​Getting There
The CIM User Group meeting will take place at Robbers & van den Hoogen BV located at Velperweg 23, 6824 BC ​Arnhem, Netherlands.  The venue is just outside the old town of Arnhem with a hotel next door and a train station approximatey 300m away. Arnhem is located approximately 112km (~70 miles) from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.​
Area Airports
Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam)



Car rental
Schiphol Airport has a full complement of major international and European car rental agencies to select from.

Schiphol Station is located directly below the airport. It only takes a couple of minutes to walk from Arrivals to Schiphol Plaza, where you can take the stairs, escalator or lift down to the platforms.

Cost:  ~20 each way (80-90 minutes journey)​

More Info​​


Hotel to Meeting Transportation

No hotels offer transportation to or from the meeting site, only to/from the train station

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