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Artem Schumilin is a PhD candidate in computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) focusing on semantic computing and its application to the domain of smart electricity grids.
Derrick Oswald studied electrical engineering at the University of Waterloo before computers were cute. He's been doing scientific programming at various companies for over 40 years and is now consulting in big data for electric utilities
Dominique Marcadet is a professor of computer science at CentraleSupélec. He graduated from Supélec in 1984 and started his research as an assistant professor on object-oriented approaches, initially on languages, and later on models. He started a collaboration with EDF R&D on the CIM standard in 2002. He submitted to EDF the idea to use MDE tools for processing CIM XML files in 2008, it gave birth to CimClipse, the predecessor of RiseClipse.
Dr. Ron Melton Dr. Melton is the Team Lead for Electricity Infrastructure Systems, a Senior Power Systems Researcher and Project Manager in the Electricity Infrastructure Group at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). He is the Principal Investigator for the DOE Advanced Grid Research project for an ADMS Open Source Platform, a member of the core team for the DOE Grid Architecture project, and Administrator of the GridWise® Architecture Council. He was the Project Director of the Pacific Northwest Smart Grid Demonstration that concluded in June 2015. He has 10 years of experience in cyber security for critical infrastructure systems and over 30 years of experience applying computer technology to a variety of engineering and scientific problems. Dr. Melton is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and a Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery. Dr. Melton received his BSEE from University of Washington and his MS and PhD in Engineering Science from the California Institute of Technology. Mr. Stephan is a data scientist working at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory specializing in developing data architectures and contributing to international data standards communities. He currently serves as the IEC TC 57 CIM Model Manager for Working Group 13. He has been a member of the CIM Users Group since 2016 and previously contributed to the International Provenance and Annotation Working group (IPAW) Open Provenance Model (OPM), World-Wide-Web Consortium (W3C) Provenance Working Group, W3C CSV on the Web Working Group, W3C Data on the Web Best Practices (DWBP) recommendations and served as co-editor of the Data Usage Vocabulary (DUV) technical note. His research interests include streaming data analytics, scalable science and engineering data architectures, applied semantic Web, and experimental reproducibility. He received the B.A. degree in mathematics and computer science from Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA, USA, in 1986.
Prof Gareth Taylor received his BSc degree from the University of London, UK in 1987 and MSc and PhD from the University of Greenwich, UK in 1992 and 1997, respectively. He was the National Grid UK post-doctoral scholar at Brunel University, UK from 2000-2003. He is currently a Professor and Director within the Brunel Institute of Power Systems, Brunel University London, UK. He is also the leader of the Smart Power Networks theme in the Institute of Energy Futures, Brunel University London. He is also the CIGRE UK Regular Member for Study Committed D2 ‘Information Systems and Telecommunication’. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE and a Member of the IET. He is also the Chair of the IEEE PES Future TSO-DSO Interaction Task Force. His research interests include smart grids, novel ICT solutions for power systems and network optimization.
Jean-Baptiste Heyberger, (RTE, France): JB Heyberger obtained an MSc Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) and from Supélec (France) in 2003. In 2003, he joined the R&D department of RTE as a developer of tools for the security analysis of electrical grids. From 2012 to 2015, he was involved as a technical coordinator in the R&D European project iTesla to prototype new methods of security assessment. Since 2015 he is managing a R&D team developing new tools for security analysis. Luis María Zamarreño, (AIA, Spain): Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1992. With more than 25 years of experience at AIA, a software engineering firm based in Spain. Currently working in Product Development for the Energy market, and development of tools in the context of electric system security within large areas. Marco Chiaramello, (RTE, France): Marco Chiaramello obtained an MSc Degree in Nuclear Engineering from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) school in 2013. In 2016 he obtained a PhD in Physics from Ecole Polytechnique (France, Paris) summa cum laude. In 2017 he joined the RTE R&D department where he is working on CGMES related subjects.
Jeff Montagne is working as Chief Data Governance Officer for Enedis ; his major concern is to develop data sharing for the customer and for all energy transition contributors. He contributed to the EG1 report dedicated to data format & procedures interoperability, to be released in 2019. With 20 years of experience in IT systems and Controlling for utilities, Jeff has been successively working on SCADA communication protocols and market exchange platforms for the French TSO, on modernizing security and architecture policies for EDF IS Group, then on digitalisation for Enedis. He also spent several years in finance within EDF Group. He graduated as Engineer from Telecom ParisTech / Stuttgart university and holds an MBA from ESCP Europe. Juan Pareja: with more 20 years of experience in IT, Juan is currently working as IT Project Manager for Enedis SmartGrid & SmartCities projects. He has been involved in projects like SmartGrid Vendee, Greenlys, EvolvDSO and Interflex where DSO and partners are experimenting the new uses cases could be developed in the Distribution Grid: Demand Reponse Flexibilitiess, operational planning and scheduling, and congestion management. By the past Juan worked in EDF’s Balance Responsible unit as contract manager and in RTE as project manager in the international interconnections area and for the Central West European electricity market coupling. Juan is graduated IT engineer by the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona. Fabien Coutant: after 8 years in consulting firms with energy and telecommunication customers, Fabien Coutant joined Enedis, one of the largest electricity distribution system operator in Europe. Now part of the Data Gouvernance team, he is in charge of various projects, from Open to Closed Data, from field experimentation to mid term data strategy. Fabien is particularly involved with experiments and strategic projects regarding the handling of smart meter data. Fabien graduated from Telecom ParisTech and Polytechnique Montreal.
Magnus Tennøe works as a software lifecycle- and project manager in Statnett, the Norwegian TSO. He has an MSc in Engineering Cybernetics from the Norwegian University of Science of Technology, NTNU. In addition to experience with managing and developing IT systems in the power industry, he also has several years experience with subsea control system design from the Norwegian oil and gas industry.
Software lifecycle manager, Statnett SF
Margaret Goodrich
Ms. Goodrich has over 25 years experience with emphasis in consulting, project management and all support and production areas within the Software Industry.
Ms. Goodrich has been involved with various standards organizations during the past 15 years. She has worked with NERC, IEEE and the IEC to establish electric industry standards. Currently, she is active in the IEC WG14 and WG19 teams and she is Vice-Chair of the newly organized IEEE-PES CIM TF.
Ms. Goodrich has acted in a consulting capacity to provide expertise, project management and strategic consulting to several clients including AEP, EPRI, ERCOT, Cleco, MISO, COES-SINAC and several power utilities. These activities include working with development and management personnel to ensure the projects meet the standards and are delivered on time and within budget. She has written and published reports and papers on behalf of her clients surrounding various topics regarding the standards, training, testing and integration platforms.
In 2018, Ms. Goodrich was appointed VP of Operations for the CIMug and the UCA International Users Group and continues to provide her services as Treasurer to the organization.
Currently Ms. Goodrich is the Owner and President of Project Consultants, LLC and is responsible for delivery and integration of all projects within Project Consultants.  That currently includes delivery of the T-Nexus Network Model Manager improvement program for American Electric Power (AEP).
Ms. Goodrich received her Bachelor’s degree from the UT Austin. In Feb, 2001, she received a patent for the Operational Database Maintenance System (ODMS).
President, Project Consultants
Martin Mangold received the B.Sc. degree at the Technical University of Erlangen, Germany, in 2010, and the M.Sc. degree at the Technical University of Erlangen, Department of Electrical Engineering – Electronics and Information Technology, in 2013. Since October 2018 he is product lifecycle manager for the Network Model Management products from PTI – PSS®ODMS and PSS®MOD. Between 2013 and 2018 he worked as a power system consultant for Siemens PTI. His working fields included protection coordination and control studies as well as dynamic stability assessments. His research interests include analysis of current and future control room application to increase the situational awareness of a system operator.
Olivier Aine is responsible for the standardization and interoperability at ENTSO-E (the European Network for Transmission System Operator for Electricity). Olivier has a Master in Engineering in Telecom ParisTech and Polytechnique, and has worked at RTE (the French TSO).
Standardization and Interoperability Manager, ENTSO-E
PAT BROWN Pat Brown is a Technical Executive at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in the Information and Communications Technology research area of the Power Delivery and Utilization Sector. Ms. Brown’s work at EPRI has focused on enterprise application integration with a special emphasis on the management of asset health and network model data using the CIM. PAUL HAYES Paul is currently a member of the Electrification & Innovation Delivery function within ESB Networks with responsibility for IT & OT developments to support the DSO into the future. He holds a primary degree in Electrical Engineering from University College Cork and has previously presented at CIMug 2017 in Erlangen.
Sander takes a role as data architect within the IT department and is involved in the use of IEC CIM and IEC 61850. Sander started in 2010 at Alliander in a trainee position and had multiple positions within Alliander on the edge of electrical technology and IT/OT.
Thomas Franck - Danish Project Manager at Visue A/S. 25 years of project and management experience within the Energy and IT software development business. Program Manager for the recent 6 years at Visue A/S implementing one SCADA system for 15 DSO including SCADA requirements, system integrations, IT solution architecture and IT security. Prior to that 11 years at Dong Energy, leading system development in Energy Production (Wind and Power Plants) in DK and abroad. Representing Dong Energy for 8 years in VGB Powertech. Co-writer on VGB Merkblatt "IT-Sicherheit für Erzeugungsanlagen" Education: MSc.EE and Diploma in Specialized Business Studies Certifications: IPMA(B), Prince2, CSPO (Certified ProjectOwner), CSM (Certified ScrumMaster), MSP Foundation (Managing Successful Programs). Jesper Ladegaard is founder of DAX ApS, a Danish consulting company specialized in helping DSO's to utilize standards and modern integration practices. Jesper has a software engineering background and 13 years experience with enterprise integrations in the utility domain. Before that, he has worked 8 years in the logistic and insurance domain, also primarily with integrations. Since discovering the CIM IEC standards approximately 10 years ago, he has been advocating CIM to Danish DSO's. During the last 6 years DAX has helped several Danish DSO's and their Vendors with CIM-based integrations. Jesper is also a strong proponent of Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and Open Source Development.
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Members Supporting CIM