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Call For Presentations

CIM Users Group - European Meeting 2018



Call for Presentation submissions are due by 30 April 2018

Host Sponsors



Join Us 5-7 June, 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia


Call for Presentations

Our theme this year is Using CIM for DSO/TSO Integration and Information Exchange”. The need for power system analysis at DSO voltage levels is a rapidly growing trend. There is need for closer cooperation with TSOs, which requires the exchange of network models and other types of data, to satisfy the new network codes being deployed in Europe and elsewhere.


The CIM Users Group invites all practitioners to share their stories and use cases to enhance learning and understanding regarding the use of the CIM and thereby help promote the use of the CIM within the industry. We are looking for presentations on project or product implementations (planned, underway, or completed) as they relate to our theme or any of the topics shown below:


·      Best practices on how to apply CIM models and standards in the DSO/TSO enterprise

·      Preparing for the impact of ENTSO-E network codes on DSOs and DSO/TSO information exchange using CIM

·      How TSOs and DSOs collaborate using CIM

·         CIM as solution for integrating IT/OT systems in distribution and transmission (e.g., smart meters, outage management, customer information systems, etc.)

·         Experience with Enterprise Semantic Modeling (ESM) and Enterprise Information Management (EIM) based on the CIM

·         CIM-based system integration utility stories

·         Using the CIM for power system network model management, analysis, and simulation

·         How the CIM is being extended and used to manage Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

·         Experience with use of the CIM for asset health management and analytics CIM – 61850 harmonization

·         New and innovative applications of the CIM standards

·         Other CIM related projects and solutions



Presentation Policies

·         Priority in presentation selection is given to utilities, ISOs, RTOs, TSOs, DSOs, retailers, universities and non-profit industry organizations.

·         Suppliers may present a utility approved presentation if they are co-authors. Preference, however, will be given to presentations with a utility presenter.

·         All presentations must be non-commercial (no overt marketing material in the presentation) with a focus on the CIM lifecycle which is deemed to be informative and helpful to other companies considering using the CIM.

·         Non-commercial thought leadership presentations from all CIMug members are also welcome.

·         Presentations that demonstrate actual experiences with lessons learned will be preferred over high-level strategies for planned projects.

·         CIM Users Group membership is not a requirement for presentations.


Call for Presentation Instructions:

1.      Navigate to the form on the CIMug SharePoint site using the button below.

2.      Enter the information required in the form, including:

a.       Your name

b.      Title

c.       Company

d.      Address

e.       Phone Number

f.       Email

g.      Short Bio

h.      Additional Co-Presenters (optional)

3.      IMPORTANT:  Please remember to attach your 200-500 word abstract in either Microsoft Word or PDF format before submission.

4.      If you would prefer to email your submission, please send it to Henny Wieland at 


Call for Presentation submissions are due by 30 April 2018.



Sponsorship Opportunities

We encourage our members to participate via a sponsorship or vendor demonstration table. For additional information please contact Henny Wieland at


Meeting Location

Cankarjev dom Cultural and Congress Centre

Presernova cesta 10


Ljubljana, Slovenia








Organized By The CIM Users Group 

The CIM Users Group is not-for-profit organization of utilities, consultants, and suppliers dedicated to educating utility stakeholders on the IEC CIM standards, promoting the use of CIM and developing consensus and consistency across the industry on using the CIM standards.




CIM Users Group, 10604 Candler Falls Court, Raleigh, NC 27614 USA

Fax: +1-919-869-2700,

Members Supporting CIM