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Monday, December 15, 2008


8:00 – 8:30        Registration and Coffee 


8:30 – 12:00      CIM University - Morning Session                                                                   

·         Introduction to the CIM and Related Standards - T. Saxton

·         Introduction to the GID Services - R. Mackiewicz


12:00 – 1:00      Lunch


1:00 – 5:00        CIM University - Afternoon Session 

·        CIM Steady State Solution Interfaces and Profiles - J. Britton

·     CIM for Distribution and AMI - IEC 61968-9, 13 - G. Robinson

·        CIMug Collaboration Sites - Overview and Training - R. Rhodes


5:00                 Tours - Center for Information Work, Home of the Future


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


8:00 - 8:30         Registration and Coffee                                  

8:30 - 10:00       Welcome and Keynote                            

·         Welcome and Introductions – Terry Saxton & Randy Rhodes, CIM Co-Chairs

·         Strategies for Smart Grid Success - Jon Arnold, Managing Director, Microsoft Utilities Vertical Worldwide

·         Benefits of CIMug Membership - Margaret Goodrich


Utility CIM Projects                             

·         Agenda Review - Margaret Goodrich

·         OpenHAN and Zigbee Initiative - Greg Robinson (Xtensible Systems) for Jeff Goodings, Southern California Edison


10:00 – 10:30    Break


10:30 – 12:00    Utility CIM Projects


·         CIM for SmartMeter (and Beyond) - Terry Saxton for Mark Bowne, Sempra (SDG&E)

·         AMI and the CIM - Collaboration within the UCA User Groups - Greg Robinson, Xtensible Systems

·         EPRI Initiatives for SmartGrid, HAN, and Distribution - Lee King, EPRI


12:00 - 1:00    Lunch


1:00 – 2:45       Utility CIM Projects

·         Preparing for a CIM Integration Project - John Lenius, Manitoba Hydro

·         First Look at Oncor's CIM Data Manager - David Bogen, Oncor

·         Reducing EAI Costs with CIM Semantics - Ward Jones, PacifiCorp


2:45 – 3:15       Break


3:15 – 5:00       Industry CIM Projects

·         CIM for Planning, Dynamic Models and UCTE - Terry Saxton

·         CIM Interop Summary - Margaret Goodrich

·         Innovation in Modeling: Demonstrating Microsoft M with the CIM - Jeff Pinkston, Clemens Szyperski


·          Next Day Review - Terry Saxton


 5:00                 Tours - Center for Information Work, Home of the Future


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


8:30 – 9:45        Defining the Smart Grid - Ask the Experts!

·         Panel Session - Convenor: Brad Williams

·         Panelists: Ralph Mackiewicz, Greg Robinson, Matt Donnelly, Aaron Snyder 

9:45 - 10:00       CIMug and its Working Groups

·         Working Group Convenors - Introductions

·         Working Group Breakout Agendas


10:00 – 10:30    Break


10:30 – 12:00    WG Breakout Sessions

·         Enterprise Application Integration and Information - Convenor, Andre' Maizener 

·         CIM Tools - Convenor, Kendall Demaree

·         Model Exchange and Naming - Convenor, Jay Britton  

·         Interop/Validation/Compliance - Convenor, Susan Caron-Andre'

·         Processes and Marketing - Convenor, Terry Saxton


12:00 – 1:00      Lunch


1:00 – 4:00        Working Group Breakout Sessions, continued


4:00 – 8:00        Vendor-Sponsored Hospitality Reception and Demos


Thursday, December 18, 2008

 8:30 – 9:15      Reports from CIM Working Group Breakout Sessions - Terry Saxton

9:15 – 10:00     CIM Model Manager Report - Kendall Demaree

10:00 – 10:15    Break

10:15 – 11:00    CIM Usage Trends – Brad Williams

11:00 – 11:45    Collaboration for CIM Users – Randy Rhodes

11:45 – 12:00     Meeting Close-out

  • Feedback from attendees
  • Lessons learned
  • Upcoming Events
  • Adjourn


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