Quality Hotel Expo, Oslo, Norway
Snaroyvien 20
1360 Oslo, Norway
+47 67 11 70 00
Quality Hotel Expo offers seaside location in a beautiful setting only minutes from the city of Oslo. This full service hotel features guest rooms and conference facilities as well as Brasserie X, Wayne's Coffee, Bar X, an outdoor serving area and an indoor gym which includes running and walking tracks.
Transportation and Location Information
- To/From Olso city by car - 8min.
- Airport express Train to - Lysaker - 34 min. And take the bus from Lysaker to Fornebuparken and walk to the hotel from Fornebuparken
- To take a Taxi from the Oslo airport proceed to the official Taxi stand to arrange a ride
- Indoor parking space is available for rental cars
Visit the Useful Meeting Links page for additional information on visiting Oslo and making travel arrangements in and around the city.
Rooms are available for the conference at a rate of kr. 1080, -. Reservations can be made by contacting the Quality Hotel Expo directly via phone or email. Please reference the UCA/CIM Users Group room block and group reservation number 37652. To make an e-reservation you can email and enter the Group Reservation Code: 37652 in the subject line.
Further Information