Vendor Tables
If you are a supplier of CIM related products or services and would like the opportunity to present your capabilities to the CIM user community, please consider sponsoring a table at the CIM Users Group meeting in Columbus, Ohio USA. Any corporate member of the UCAIug can sponsor a demo table at the Thursday evening reception scheduled during the conference.
We have set aside time in the normal conference schedule for table sponsors to make a short presentation about their CIM capabilities immediately preceding the evening reception. When you register for the meeting, you will be given an opportunity to add the table sponsorship to your shopping cart for a modest fee and enter a description of what you will be demonstrating. This information will be displayed on the meeting site.
As a table sponsor you will be provided with a 2 meter table, 2 chairs, and an electrical outlet for displaying marketing material and presenting product demonstrations. The tables will be located in the reception room. Your participation as a table sponsor will help promote knowledge and awareness of the CIM and will provide important financial support to the CIM Users Group.
Reservations for Vendor Tables are available directly in the Meeting Registration Site.
Vendor Table |
Presenting |
PSS®ODMS from Siemens PTI is a unique and proven solution designed to help streamline the modeling work flow. The PSS®ODMS solution provides a common, CIM-based network modeling platform for planning and operations. Deployment of this solution helps ensure that both departments share a common data model that is reliable and current. Productivity increases by having one common source of data, eliminating the need for redundant model maintenance. By employing the international standard data format, CIM, PSS®ODMS is able to exchange data with other organizations as well as with other software systems within the organization. Reliability improves with better assessment of system operation limits and consistent predictions of operational conditions across all study time frames while incorporating grid reinforcements into the planning horizon.
Siemens PTI brings a comprehensive understanding and ability to analyze any type of electricity network – whether it is low-voltage or medium-voltage distribution systems for industrial or public electricity supply to the highest voltage levels for transmission systems. Our internationally renowned experts, software portfolio and education curriculum, along with our long-standing expertise, are a sound basis for developing state-of-the-art solutions of the highest reliability and efficiency for your network.
Open Systems International ( provides open, state-of-the-art and high-performance automation solutions to utilities worldwide. These solutions include Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, Network Management Systems (NMS), Energy Management Systems (EMS), Distribution Management Systems (DMS), Outage Management Systems (OMS), Generation Management Systems (GMS), Substation Automation Systems (SA), Data Warehousing (Historian) Analytics, Situational Awareness Systems, individual software and hardware products, and Smart Grid solutions for utility operations. OSI’s solutions empower its users to meet their operational challenges, day-in and day-out, with unsurpassed reliability and a minimal cost of technology ownership and maintenance. OSI is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. conducts research, development and demonstration (RD&D) relating to the generation, delivery and use of electricity for the benefit of the public. An independent, nonprofit organization, we bring together scientists and engineers as well as experts from academia and the industry to help address challenges in electricity.
Our work spans nearly every area of electricity generation, delivery and use, management and environmental responsibility. We provide both short- and long-term solutions in these research areas for the electricity industry, its customers and society.
SISCO is Transforming the World of Energy Using Open Standards by providing communication and integration solutions for data management using CIM and IEC 61850. We will be talking about how to use a harmonized CIM - IEC 61850 model to automate the configuration of data collection using DNP3. Our experience includes applying CIM to SCADA/EMS interfaces for wide area centralized remedial action systems (C-RAS) using CIM for application integration and helping our customers create value using CIM by providing solutions based on knowledge, experience and innovation.
Xtensible will be presenting our MD3i Solution suite including methodology and tools for creating/managing/using enterprise semantic models based on the CIM, for the purpose of utility enterprise integration and data management. This includes automated processes and integrated toolsets for generating CIM-based schemas for SOA integration as well as data models for Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse implementations. Xtensible works closely with Oracle and leverages Oracle Utility Data Model (OUDM), which is based on CIM, to deliver a complete utility enterprise analytics solution.
Open Grid Systems Ltd. is a software and consultancy company providing services to the electrical power industry focussed on model-driven software engineering, open standards and cutting-edge technologies.
Open Grid Systems provides expertise in the areas of data management, information modelling, data transformation, data-exchange technologies, visualisation and power system network analysis software.
We utilise the power of open standards and model-driven architectures to provide modern, scalable solutions to the challenges faced by utilities in the smart-grid enabled world.
Further Information
Questions should be directed to Barry Hasser, via email at, or +1 (408) 310 9213.