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Vendor Tables
If you are a supplier of CIM related products or services and would like the opportunity to present your capabilities to the CIM user community, please consider sponsoring a table at the CIM Users Group meeting in Orange County, CA. Any corporate member of the UCAIug can sponsor a demo table at the Thursday evening reception scheduled during the conference.
We have set aside time in the normal conference schedule for table sponsors to make a short presentation about their CIM capabilities immediately preceding the evening reception. When you register for the meeting, you will be given an opportunity to add the table sponsorship to your shopping cart for a modest fee and enter a description of what you will be demonstrating. This information will be displayed on the meeting site.
As a table sponsor you will be provided with a 2 meter table, 2 chairs, and an electrical outlet for displaying marketing material and presenting product demonstrations. The tables will be located in the reception room. Your participation as a table sponsor will help promote knowledge and awareness of the CIM and will provide important financial support to the CIM Users Group.
Reservations for Vendor Tables are available directly in the Meeting Registration Site.
Vendor Table


The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. conducts research, development and demonstration (RD&D) relating to the generation, delivery and use of electricity for the benefit of the public. An independent, nonprofit organization, we bring together scientists and engineers as well as experts from academia and the industry to help address challenges in electricity.

Our work spans nearly every area of electricity generation, delivery and use, management and environmental responsibility. We provide both short- and long-term solutions in these research areas for the electricity industry, its customers and society.



SISCO provides communication and integration solutions that supports IEC 61850 for substation automation and wide area centralized remedial action systems(C-RAS); ICCP-TASE.2 for intercontrol center communications, EMS/SCADA integration, and power plant dispatching; C37.118 with IEC 61850 for synchrophasor processing and wide area measurement systems for improved situational awareness; and the Common Information Model (CIM per IEC61970 and IEC 61968) in a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Smart Grid integration using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). SISCO's products and services include:

  • Systems Integration Services
  • Off-the-shelf OPC interfaces
  • Protocol Source Code
  • Technology and Product Training



Xtensible will be presenting our MD3i Solution suite including methodology and tools for creating/managing/using enterprise semantic models based on the CIM, for the purpose of utility enterprise integration and data management. This includes automated processes and integrated toolsets for generating CIM-based schemas for SOA integration as well as data models for Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse implementations. Xtensible works closely with Oracle and leverages Oracle Utility Data Model (OUDM), which is based on CIM, to deliver a complete utility enterprise analytics solution.



Power Info LLC will be presenting CIMSpy EE, a leading CIM-based tool currently licensed by more than 50 utilities, RTOs/ISOs, grid coordinating organizations, vendors, and energy traders worldwide. CIMSpy EE is designed to support multiple business practices in a utility organization, including CIM-based model exchange, time-based modeling and management, exploratory data analysis, and data-driven grid visualization, etc. As a model-driven solution, CIMSpy EE supports any versions of CIM, standard or extended. Most importantly, it provides a meta-data driven framework, enabling users to customize the tool to meet their specific project needs. Some of the key differentiators of CIMSpy EE include:

  • Ability to import large RTO models of GB size
  • Extensible model validation
  • Rich data visualization
  • Visual data mining
  • WYSIWYG graphical model editing
  • Supporting virtually any RDBMS
  • Integrated with selected EMS and MMS

CIMSpy EE and its derived tool CIMdesk are funded by US Department of Energy and ENTSO-E respectively.


Oracle Utilities delivers proven software applications that help utilities of all types and sizes achieve competitive advantage, business performance excellence, and a lower total cost of technology ownership. Oracle Utilities integrates industry-specific customer care and billing, network management, work and asset management, mobile workforce management, and meter data management applications with the capabilities of Oracle’s industry-leading enterprise applications, business intelligence tools, middleware, database technologies, and server and storage systems. The software enables customers to adapt more nimbly to market deregulation, meet ever-evolving customer demands, and deliver on environmental conservation commitments. Additionally, Oracle Utilities helps utilities prepare for smart metering and smart grid initiatives that enhance efficiency and provide critical intelligence metrics that can help drive more-informed energy and water usage decisions for consumers and businesses. For more information, visit

The Siemens PTI Solution - Paving the way to success
Siemens PTI is pleased to support this industry transformation with our PSS®ODMS software, which is in alignment with the new EPRI Network Model Management (NMM) requirements, enabling power transmission planners and operators to achieve the NMM vision, improve grid reliability, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

PSS®ODMS was created using the Common Information Model (CIM) standard which provides the basis for a coordinated, industry-wide network model management strategy. Our product simplifies the complicated, inefficient, and error-prone process of transmission grid planning and operation by allowing one common set of data to be maintained across multiple people, departments, and systems – including energy management systems, network planning tools, asset management systems, field measurements, and geographic information systems. PSS®ODMS enables a common, standards-based, interoperable representation of these disparate data points, allowing power transmission companies to better avoid modeling errors, more accurately plan and predict grid behavior, and ultimately deliver more reliable power to their customers. In other words, PSS®ODMS provides a central “source of truth”.



Open Grid Systems

Open Grid Systems Ltd. is a consultancy and software company based in Glasgow, UK providing services to the electrical power industry focussed on model-driven software engineering, open standards and cutting-edge technologies. Open Grid Systems provide services and software including consultancy, applied research, and commercial software development for a number of utilities and vendors around the world. As well as collaborating with a number of vendors Open Grid Systems has three primary software products it licenses to utilities, vendors and consultants:

  • Cimphony® our model-driven power system data management application used with clients as a desktop application and frameworks to build solutions
  • GridⓘView®, an iOS Mobile Application for integrated data access with Geographical Map, Augmented Reality and Configurable form data entry
  • Grid Reporter, a smart-phone application for crowd-sourcing outages and equipment damage using intelligent server-side processing leveraging electrical network models

Open Grid Systems has been involved in IEC standards work since its inception including IEC TC57 Working Groups 13, 14, 16 & 19.





Further Information

Questions should be directed to Brittany Cameron, via email at, or +1- 720-369-8580.

Members Supporting CIM