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| | TERNA Keynote | | N/A | keynote; organization | 1 |
| | CESI Keynote | | N/A | keynote; organization | 2 |
| | CIM-based ESB (eTelligence) | | N/A | case study; tool, CIM; model; interop; implementation | 3 |
| | SG Panel Discussion / Q&A | | N/A | model; conference; case study | 4 |
| | SG Panel - CIMug German Roadmap | | N/A | case study; model; conference | 5 |
| | ADDRESS Project case study #1 - ADDRESS Project: Eric Lambert, EdF & Romano Napolitano, ENEL | | N/A | case study | 6 |
| | ADDRESS Project case study #2 - ADDRESS Project: Eric Lambert, EdF & Romano Napolitano, ENEL | | N/A | case study | 6 |
| | Open SG and Open ADR: Terry Saxton, Xtensible Solutions | | N/A | OpenSG | 7 |
| | TC57 Italian Feedback #1: CIM/61850 and the European DERri Project: Paolo Mora, ERSE | | N/A | 61850 | 8 |
| | TC57 Italian Feedback #2: CIM/61850 and the European DERri Project: Paolo Mora, ERSE | | N/A | 61850 | 8 |
| | NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Panel: Jay Britton, Areva IEC TC57: Ed Dobrowolski, NERC | | N/A | NIST; IEC | 9 |
| | A starter file for speakers at the CIMug Redmond meeting. Use of this template is recommended - but not required. | | CIM Processes | tool, CIM | 0 |
| | AEP CIM Experience: Margaret Goodrich, SISCO on behalf of AEP | | CIM Interop | case study; interop | 11 |
| | Stattnet’s Move to the CIM: Svein Olsen, Stattnet | | N/A | case study; model | 12 |
| | RTE CIM Gateway: Guillaume Lapierre-Ganivet, RTE | | CIM @ ENTSO-E IOP | case study; model | 13 |
| | CIM Exchange for ERDF Distribution Information System: Jerome Fremont, EdF | | CIM @ ENTSO-E IOP | case study; exchange | 14 |
| | IEC 61970-453 Graphics Display Exchange – Lars-Ola Osterlund | | N/A | case study; IEC | 15 |
| | EPRI Activities - Pushing the CIM Frontier with Utilities: John Simmins, EPRI | | N/A | organization; IEC | 16 |
| | EPRI/WG19 CIM/61850 Harmonization: Terry Saxton, Xtensible Solutions | | N/A | 61850; model | 17 |
| | CPSM, CDPSM, & ENTSO-E Profiles – Status and Plans: Margaret Goodrich, SISCO | | CIM IOP-Compliance; CIM Interop; CIM @ ENTSO-E IOP | CDPSM; CPSM | 18 |
| | CDPSM IOP Test: Eric Lambert, EdF | | CIM Interop; CIM IOP-Compliance | CDPSM | 18 |
| | CIM Implementation in RTE – A TSO Perspective: Guillaume Lapierre-Ganivet, RTE | | N/A | case study | 19 |
| | ENTSO-E and the European Markets: Maurizo Monti | | CIM @ ENTSO-E IOP | case study; exchange | 20 |
| | Introduction to the Dutch PIN Community: Jan Bruinenberg, Alliander | | CIM @ PIN | exchange | 21 |
| | A starter file for speakers at the CIMug Redmond meeting. Use of this template is recommended - but not required. | | CIM Processes | tool, CIM | 0 |
| | Model Exchange and Naming | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | exchange; model | 23 |
| | Model Exchange and Naming | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | exchange; model | 23 |
| | CimConteXtor presented by André Maizener, Jean Luc Sanson (Zamiren) | | CIM Methods & Tools for Enterprise Integration | tool, CIM | 23 |
| | CIMBench presented by Michael Gründler (BTC) | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | tool, CIM | 23 |
| | CimClipse presented by Dominique Marcadet (SUPELEC) | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | tool, CIM | 23 |
| | Cimphony | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | tool, CIM | 23 |
| | Reviews functionality and development status for CIMSpy, by Jun Zhu. Presented by Margaret Goodrich. | | | tool; Conference | 5 |
| | CIMTool presented by Margaret Goodrich | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | tool, CIM | 23 |
| | CIM-ETSO Convergence | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | tool, CIM; ETSO | 23 |
| | MTEI WG Energy Reference Model Catalog | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | model | 23 |
| | jCleanCim presented by Margaret Goodrich | | CIM Model Exchange - Naming | tool, CIM | 23 |
| | Using Rational Software Architect to Drive Application Integration Message Definition | | CIM Methods & Tools for Enterprise Integration | tool | |
| | Collaborative Modeling for Interoperability Standards with Sparx EA | | CIM Methods & Tools for Enterprise Integration | tool, CIM | |
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| | A starter file for speakers at the CIMug Redmond meeting. Use of this template is recommended - but not required. | | CIM Processes | tool, CIM | 0 |
| | A starter file for speakers at the CIMug Redmond meeting. Use of this template is recommended - but not required. | | CIM Processes | tool, CIM | 0 |
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| | CIMug Fall 2009 Meeting Notes | | CIM Processes | membership | |