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Dec 15
Welcome to my blog!

This is where I'll be sharing my thoughts on topics that matter to me. Who knows... I might even share pictures, videos and links to other interesting stuff.

If I catch your interest, let me hear from you.

Jun 18
Survey Update
Several users from the Netherlands suggested that we should update the CIM survey that was last done in 2008. We need to post the questions from that survey for review and to solicit additional questions from the user community so that we can gather additional information that might be helpful to users in convincing their organizations to begin using CIM.
Jun 11
Important meeting details on bus transportation to meeting and other items

Here are some important last minute updates regarding our CIMug meeting next week in Milan, which will be held at the CESI facility some distance from the hotels. Buses will be provided for transportation to/from the meeting:

**Transportation to and from CESI facility (Address Via Rubbattino, 54) where the CIMug meeting will be held:

  • Buses will be at the Hotel Cristoforo Colombo, Corso Buenos Aires, 3, Milan. People staying at the Hotel Felice Casati can walk (5 to 7 blocks) to Hotel Cristoforo Colombo to catch the buses.
  • Meet in the lobby of the hotel at 7:30 AM each day (Tuesday – Friday), when we will start loading the buses to depart for the meeting.
  • If you are not staying at either the Hotel Cristoforo Colombo or the Hotel Felice Casati, you can take the Metro RED Line and stop at Porta Venezia. When you exit on the street, the hotel is only 10 meters on your left
  • There is a separate bus schedule for each day for to return to the hotel from the meeting (see the Agenda for daily schedules for bus departures)

 **If you are NOT taking the bus to the meeting, you can take a taxi – cost is 15 -20 Euros each way OR take the Metro/public Bus.

**Instructions for the Metro to CESI:

o       RED Line in the direction of “SESTO FS”

o       After 2 stops – exit LORETO change the metro and take GREEN Line in the direction of “Gessate”

o       After 2 stops – exit at LAMBRATE FS

o       Will take the public bus #75 RED (not Black) – arrive at CESI, via Ruttattino 54

 **For entrance into CESI facility, you must have either a passport or proper identification with a photo to present at the entrance gate each day.

 **Wednesday, June 16

o       TERNA is sponsoring a “happy hour” at the GLOBE (, which will include a bar and heavy appetizers for the meal.  Happy Hour will start at 20:15 (8:15 pm) and end whenever you wish to leave.

 **Check the agenda on the Milan CIMug Meeting Site for the final agenda with more details on times for events and buses.

 **For your information, we have 87 attendees registered and expect to have 100+ actually attending.






May 21
Meeting Agenda has been restored
Not all recent updates are in place, but we have the agenda back in place. We'll update you when it is fully restored.
May 20
Milan Meeting Agenda Is Missing
We discovered this morning that the meeting agenda on this site is missing. We're not sure what happened, but we're working on it. If you have any information, please post a comment in reply to this blog post.

Randy Rhodes

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