Genval Meeting Wiki
Welcome to the meeting wiki. This is available for any useful purpose related to the Genval meeting. Anyone can post a question, a suggestion, or a reminder for the conference committee.
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You can learn more about wiki libraries by clicking How To Use This Wiki Library. To get started, just add content to this page by clicking Edit at the top of this page. Click to History to see past changes for this page. The Recent Changes area at the bottom of the left panel shows what pages have been recently changed.
Why Use a Wiki?
It's fast and easy - wikiwiki means quick in Hawaiian. CIM users can easily edit any page. The library grows organically by linking existing pages together or by creating links to new pages. If you find a link to an uncreated page, you can click on the link to create the page. A history of edits is maintained, and easily accessed (see the Recent Changes list to the lower left).
Instead of trading information about this user group meeting in e-mail messages, just put it here - one place, one time. Wikis are self-organizing - it's easy to move things around to provide better context.