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The call for presentations deadline March 23rd.
To have your presentation considered for the 2015 European CIM meeting:
Presentation time slots are 30 minutes long. Please limit your presentations to ~20 minutes to enable time for Q&A. Please review the presentation policies described below.
Presentations will take place on Tuesday - Thursday, 2-4 June, 2015.
Submit abstracts by email to
The CIM Users Group will review the submittals and will inform presenters of acceptance by 15 April 2015.
One of the most important benefits of attending a CIM Users Group (CIMug) meeting is the opportunity to network with CIM users and share experiences gained via presentation of project stories and use cases. The CIMug is seeking presentations for the European 2015 conference/meeting that will address practical management and technical issues regarding use of the CIM standards in actual project implementation by utilities, energy companies, RTOs, and DSOs as well as in vendor’s products.
The CIMug invites all practitioners to share their stories and use cases to enhance learning and understanding regarding the use of the CIM and thereby help promote the use of the CIM within the industry. We are looking for presentations on the project/product implementation issues on the following topics related to planned, underway, or completed projects:
Further Information