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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​2022 CIM IOP

UCA-EPRI GMDM Collaborative IOP Test
​​​​May 24-26, 2022​​​​​

About The Event

The GMDM IOP Event, hosted by EPRI and managed by UCAIug, is a multi-vendor interoperability event that will be testing and demonstrating the exchange of distribution grid model data using Common Information Model (CIM) standards. Data exchanges to be tested reflect the latest in CIM developments

Who Should Attend

Software vendor whose tools create, manage or depend on distribution grid model data (like GIS, planning tools, engineering design tools, OMS, DMS, DERMS, field enablement apps) can be IOP participants. Vendors will have the opportunity to develop and test CIM interfaces reflecting the most current CIM profiles and the best of industry grid data management design.Vendor tools participating in the IOP will receive a Certificate of Participation and mention in the Final IOP Test Report. 

Utilities, integration consultants, and representatives from research organizations, universities and regulators can participate as Test Witnesses. Test Witnesses will receive a full day of training on the Common Information Model, the GMDM information architecture and the responsibilities of IOP test witnessing. Familiarity with distribution grid model data or the Common Information Model is desirable. Utility personnel are excellent Test Witness candidates from GIS groups, Enterprise Architecture teams, distribution planning departments, and control center operations support teams.


Please note that the GMDM IOP Event is currently planned as a face-to-face event which will be governed by national, state and local guidelines and by the EPRI policies in effect at the time of the event. Current requirements include masking for all participants, at least 6 feet social distancing for unvaccinated participants, and completion of the ​EPRI Covid Screening Checklist.  Please check back for current information – this website will be updated as requirements change.

If conditions are such that the GMDM IOP Event cannot be held in person, EPRI and UCAIug intend to conduct the Event remotely.​



​​​​GMDM IOP Participant
​     Registration entitles a vendor to unlimited product and support staff participation in the GMDM IOP Event.

​​​​​GMDM Vendor Forum member​​​FREE

Non-GMDM Vendor Forum member UCAIug Corporate​ Member ​​​ Non-UCAIug Corporate Member ​
Credit Card Bill Us Credit Card​​​​​Bill Us
​​Jumbo vendor (> 250 support staff​) $80,000 / vendor $80,000 / ven​dor$100,000 / vendor $100,000 / vendor
​Large vendor (150-249 support staff) $60,​000 / vendor​ $60,​000 / vendor $75,​000 / vendor ​$75,​000 / vendor
​Medium vendor (70-149 support staff) $40,​000 / vendor $40,​000 / vendor $50,​000 / vendor $50,​000 / vendor
​Small vendor (20-69 support staff)$20,​000 / vendor $20,​000 / vendor$27,​000 / vendor$27,​000 / vendor
​Micro vendor (< 20 support staff) $8,​000 / vendor $8,​000 / vendor $11,​000 / vendor $11,​000 / vendor
​​​​​​​​Vendor size is based on number of FTEs* supporting all products used in the distribution domain which produce, consume or manage grid model data.
                      *FTEs include all staff engaged in activities related to the product(s), including product engineering/development, product maintenance, installation, training, support,                                      sales/marketing, administration/management support, etc.

​GMDM IOP Test Witness
​     Test Witness registrations are transferrable, but non-refundable. UCAIug and EPRI reserve the right to limit the number of test witnesses.

​​​​​EPRI GMDM Project member​ utility​​FREE

​​​​Non-EPRI GMDM Project member UCA Individual or Corporate Members​ ​ ​Non-UCAIug Individual Member ​
Credit Card Bill Us Credit Card​​​ Bill Us
Utility, integration consultant, academic,  
research, regulatory
$1,50​0 / person​​ $1,50​0 / person $2,30​0 / person $2,300 / person


Event Agenda

Tuesday, 24 May
       Test Witness Training (9 am to 5 pm)
       Vendor Setup & Preliminary Testing (9:30 am to 5 pm)
Wednesday, 25 May
       GMDM IOP Event (9 am to 5 pm)
Thursday, 25 May
       ​GMDM IOP Event Wrap-Up, Presentation of Certificates of Participation, Vendor Breakdown (9 am to 5 pm) ​

Event Location

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
1300 W. W.T. Harris Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28262

Building 3
IOP Event: Rooms 741A-F
Test Witness Training: Rooms 919A-B 

Shipping Information

Ship to:
           Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
           Attn: Patti Logan
          ​1300​ W. W.T. Harris Blvd
           Charlotte, NC 28262

All Labels MUST include the following information:
           Meeting Dates:  May 24-26, 2022
           Meeting Name:  2022 CIM IOP
           Meeting Location: Building 3 Room 741

Please provide Patti Logan ( with all shipping tracking numbers.​

Companies Providing Support for IOP
  • Britton Consulting
  • GridDigIt
  • Grid Optimize
  • Open Grid Systems
  • PCITek
  • Pacific Northwest National Labs
  • PowerInfo
  • Strateture Solutions
  • Waterbridge Consulting
  • Zamiren​

Members Supporting CIM