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Started: 12/18/2018 3:56 PM
Picture Placeholder: rahul.khare1
Stage of Special Protection Scehme,

​I have a quick question regarding the stage of Special Protection scheme in InfIEC61970 package. I was wondering what is the usage of Stage and StageTrigger classes? Any help really appriciated.

Picture Placeholder: rahul.khare1
  • rahul.khare1
/_layouts/15/images/person.gif" alt="Picture Placeholder: rahul.khare1" />

​I have a quick question regarding the stage of Special Protection scheme in InfIEC61970 package. I was wondering what is the usage of Stage and StageTrigger classes? Any help really appriciated.

012/18/2018 3:56 PM12/18/2018 3:56 PMNo
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