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Jul 24
Site Challenges
I feel like the guy on the evening news who reports the tornado just passed, but left his house untouched.
Last Wednesday, our hosting provider experienced a severe hardware failure and many websites went down. They then discovered that their backups - for many prior weeks and months - were actually corrupted, and restorations were impossible. Only 6 days later did we finally receive a notice, reporting that Microsoft and Dell engineers had been working around the clock and could not find a solution. While they are now moving to completely redundant backup systems, the damage is done. Kay and many of us within the UCA groups are rebuilding web sites from various other sources.
Our new CIM site is hosted on a different - and dedicated - server, so we escaped this catastrophe. The plan at the moment is to rebuild the affected sites on this same new server. Essentially, we will accelerate what we already had sites for IECTC57, IEC61850, OpenAMI, and the others. We will also contract for regular restoration testing, to cover this type of contingency.
Kudos to Kay who has been working long hours to piece together a recovery plan. Recovery will take several weeks, and likely we'll still be feeling the effects beyond that. Please be patient as we go through this process.


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