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Jun 29
The Weather is Right for CIM
Last Saturday I was basking in that almost-mystical Portland June weather - perfect temperature, blue skies, no wind, no bugs, etc.  It's the weather we pay such a high price for the rest of the year.  ;-)
As I was drifting into a perfect summer nap on my deck, it occurred to me it had been a long time since I posted anything to this blog. Well, okay then....but where to start...???
Well, our Genval conference was a noteworthy event. UCTE's recent interoperability test set the stage. My impression there was a tangible sense of optimism about CIM for Europe. There were a number of Transmission System Operators present, and their lively discussion showed they are engaged in this transition. This gave a very practical tone to the conference. We capped off the week with a Friday morning discussion about how to bring Distribution System Operators into the fold as well for Europe.
There is a lot going on with CIM this year, although you wouldn't necessarily know it from this site. I'm still challenged by how to give more visibility to what is going on within TC57 working groups, the interoperability testing area, and other activities.
We redesigned this site last year and while it's a big step forward, there's much more that could be done. I was a bit bemused by a new Microsoft video on why Sharepoint is the answer to your social computing needs (click to view). I think it is probably the answer to our CIMug 2.0 needs. We are probably looking at an upgrade to Sharepoint 2010 next year.
Speaking of collaboration, WG 19 held a meeting last week - without traveling. They used the webinar capability of GotoMeeting, Citrix's product for web conferencing. Feedback has all been positive. UCAIug is positioning to support this across all the member organizations.
Our fall U.S. conference will be in Charlotte - we think. We're confirming that EPRI will be able to host us there. I've declared I will do no more meeting sites, so we're lining up some help with that.
The climate seems good for CIM development. I noticed that at the March IEEE Power Systems Conference and Expo, 25 of the 348 presentations mentioned CIM. A recent IEC press release talked about their direction on global standards for Smart Grid. Three of the five IEC standards they mention are managed by groups on our IECTC57 site.
There's been a lot of buzz lately about accelerating standards for the sake of the smart grid. How do you think we can accelerate CIMug business? Post a comment and let me know your thoughts.


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