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Jan 05
Success and Snow in Seattle
The CIM Users Group held its seventh formal meeting on the Microsoft campus in December. Attendees numbered 83 despite the conference's late winter date. By all measures it was a very successful meeting, even when interrupted by a severe snowstorm (by Seattle standards).
  • Half the attendees attended the CIM University tutorial session in advance of the conference.
  • A number of new AMI-related projects and other smart grid developments were introduced.
  • More agenda time was provided for working groups - all seemed to make more progress.
  • Updates were provided for interoperability testing and EPRI projects, as well as developments in Europe.
After a brief break the Processes working group will turn its attention to the spring Europe conference. The UCTE project is creating a focus point there for more wide-spread adoption of CIM. Our fall 2009 meeting will take place at EPRI headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina.
So we are pleased - but not satisfied. There is always room for improvement - please do let us know what changes you would like to see in our user group meetings.
Best for the new year,


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